Thursday, December 3, 2009

How do you know what lipstick matches your skin colour?

Does anyone know any websites that show like, photos of or explain like red lipsticks match with dark coloured skin or something like that? because i want to know what colour would suit me.How do you know what lipstick matches your skin colour? is a great website were the contributors write ';how to'; articles. And alot of the articles have video demostrations to go along with them. There is a great atricle on ';ehow'; that goes over the exact steps to choosing the right shade of lipstick for your skin colour.

Hope this helps.How do you know what lipstick matches your skin colour?
I found a little tip which works quite well: obviously you don't want to use a tester on your lips, but quite often your fingertips have a similar tone, so if it suits your fingertips it will suit your lips.

If you have dark skin most reds, especially the bright ones would look gorgeous, and I'm jealous as I'm very pale.

But do try against your skin colouring first. Also there is little point in looking at photos as the true tone rarely shows.
Go to a large department store like harrods, and go to one of the stalls with a lipstick you like. They'll help you out! good luck!
get the new barrym one it goes your perfect colour
if it makes you look like a vagina then its not right
if you go into a makeup shop and ask them they can help you, thats probably better than doing it online

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