well you could always try victoria secrets lipgloss its kinda like lipstick plus it smells really good or look for lipstick at victoria secretsIs there a pretty lipstick that smells and tastes good?
idk where to get it but I have some.
Its called N.Y.C. Roll on lip gloss. Bannana Berry.
It smells and tastes like that too.
NO JOKE!!!!!
I love it.
if you want the scoop on this one it sounds weird but it actually works. mix up some food colouring and then add it to a jar and then dip it in a Cotton ball then rub on your lips. u can also use it as blush. i though it was weird at first but the thing is they actually see products like this for really expensive and waterproof.
when you get your desired lip colour, just add your favourite gloss
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