Thursday, December 10, 2009

Why did the audience start laughing and clapping when obama made that lipstick on a pig gaff ?

i wonder what was on their minds to get such a slap happy reaction?

chgWhy did the audience start laughing and clapping when obama made that lipstick on a pig gaff ?
The audience knew exactly who he was talking about.Why did the audience start laughing and clapping when obama made that lipstick on a pig gaff ?
They were applauding his ';unintentional'; comment...?

THEY took it the way most Americans did. They are his supporters and would know his implications better than anyone.

No one thinks he said Palin is a pig. People think it was a poorly thought oiut and timed comment.

But did he apologize for the misunderstanding? NO! He got self-righteous and called any who took offense liars. He accused the offense takers of sensationalism. Hi pot! I'm kettle!

*******He went onto Letterman and said what he meant was the policies were the pig and Palin was the is THAT not sexist???
Is there really any doubt. The audience automatically made the obvious word association pig-woman-lipstick-palin. Apparently, the only poor soul completely out of the loop and without a clue, was Obama himself. Personally, I am convinced that Obama really did not intend to say Palin was a pig, but I am absolutely flaggergasted at his being so utterly oblivious to the political climate around him.
We have two choices here:

1) He was referring to Palin. She had just done her acceptance speech and referred to hockey moms (including herself) as a pit bull with lipstick.

2) He wasn't paying attention enough to know that people would think he was talking about Palin and by lack of knowledge, he insulted Palin and hockey moms everywhere.

So, let's put this on the global stage and look at it from a foreign relations standpoint. Either way it's a gaffe and either way it's not good.
Obama stumbled over the words as he pulled his hand out of his pocket and covered his eyes and forehead. His uncomfortable body language reveals his true intent. If you think that's nonsense, then help me understand why he didn't react to the roar and laughing of the crowd? He it again by clicking on the link below.
because they knew about Palins speech last wed.

So if obama was truly not making fun of Palin, then he was just to stupid to realize that it would cause a problem seeing as though she used lipstick in her speach days before his joke.

See what happens when you don't have a teleprompter?
The audience was obviously laughing bc they thought Obama was talking about Sarah Palin. While I don't think the remark was actually aimed at Palin Obama should have known better since Palin had used a lipstick joke the week before.

For one, I'm sick of these politics lately...

I'm glad they are focusing on whats most important today. Remembrance of 9/11/01
They were laughing about his reference to Palin and lipstick. There was also a report on CNN online that the audience chanted, ';No more pit bull,'; but CNN has removed that part of the article now.
Because they knew what he meant,all the excuses he has used over the past few days will not convince me otherwise.He is playing nasty.
The media has informed me that he wasn't referring to Sarah Palin. So it must be true, just like the ';old fish'; wasn't McCain. Tuning back to MSNBC now...
Because they knew he was talking about Palin and contrary to what Obama says, it was pointed at Palin.
Maybe they , like I, think the Palin chick is a PIG with lipstick, of course.
due to mentality of the Obama supporters
Maybe you should have watched to whole thing.
because they thought it was funny.
they got the joke.
where's your sense of humor? Can't you picture lipstick on a pig?
We all know why...Let them play it off
I think we all know the answer to that...
I thought it was hysterical to see Obama use McCains own words against him. Just like a find it hysterical that McCain tries to use Change as his new campaign slogan.
because they were picturing a pig with lipstick...

not because it had anything to do with Palin.
Because it is a funny expression.
It's funny because it's true.

Because he used a humorous cliche to make a valid point perhaps?

What gaff(e)?

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