Saturday, November 28, 2009

How do i get lipstick out of a mens collar?

The collar is 100% polyester. The shirt is one of those slippy feeling/netted type gym shirts. Its his favorite and i feel bad. Just want to get it out. Please help.How do i get lipstick out of a mens collar?
Since most lipstick is oil or petroleum based, treat it like a grease stain. You have several options to remove it. My favorite because it is the easiest is to use undiluted dish soap with grease releasers, like Dawn. You can also use WD-40, GOJO automotive hand cleaner, Zout, or Spot Shot Carpet cleaner, I've tried them all and they work.How do i get lipstick out of a mens collar?
I used oxiclean laundry stain remover and a tooth brush

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